Greener Windows
When planning to replace existing windows or add new windows to a property (e.g. as part of an extension), you must know about any relevant planning rules and building regulations....
How One Airbnb Host Is Becoming More Eco-friendly
Searching for a sustainable getaway?As the new year begins, many of us begin to plan or even book our next holiday away.But would you be able to recognise if the...
Top Tips in Sustainable Living for the Environment
In the UK, more homeowners are becoming aware of the impact they have on the environment. Green policies such as plastic barrier bag charges and congestion charges have affected our...
Development Predictions 2021
The outlook for property development in South East England in 2021 As the world bounces back from the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the outlook for the property development...
Environmental enforcement
New CCTV approaches to tackle environmental crime It is a goal in the UK to improve environmental viability to protect the environment and wild habitats. The three elements of environmental...
Final steps put in place for dormant accounts scheme
Today we heard the welcome announcement that regulatory approval has been given to Reclaim Fund Ltd to provide the vital link in the transfer of funds from dormant bank and building society...
Clarity is key to the new regulatory framework
We found much to support in HM Treasury’s detailed consultation on a new structure for the UK’s financial regulation. Building the New Regulatory Framework offered detailed proposals on how the successors...
Six minutes of terror on Mars – and what it means for banking
It was the six minutes at the end of NASA’s Mars Explorer mission that were the most anxious for Mission Control. The nine months of interplanetary travel from Earth had...
The FSA and product intervention
The question the Financial Services Authority recently posed to the industry was whether it should have additional powers to intervene in product development, and whether it should be able to...